How effective nowadays reward strategy raise organizational efficiency⦁Can attract reward strategy assist training management strategic development ?Does HRD assist training strategic arrangement more easily? When one large organization needs to spend too much expenditure for training and development. If it had not set up one human resource department to control its cost spending, it will be possible to implement poor trainings to cause failed training. Hence, if one HRD could help every different knids of training course to focus on issues, such as training methods, selecting the most right trainer to teach different training courses, program design and following trainee characteristics to choose the most right training courses to let them to learn. Then, it will be more easier to implement every training chouse to let trainees to learn successfully.In fact, when one organization has none one effective Human resource department, it will bring high change of training failure. So, it seems that training failure has relationship with poor HRD, include: unskilled practitioner provides invalid training , skilled practitioner provides invalid training or valid training but learning does not transfer of valid training, learning transfer , but hierarchical level, organizational ( dominant) is too much limited to grow up its human resource department to develop, lacking effective characteristics of human resource development, e.g. poor performance appraise standards, restricted standardized training.All of these above issues will have relationship to HRD. HRD includes psychology, sociology, managment and adult education. This is not a comprehensive review of related to training effectiveness, HRD and organizatonal culture, but is intended to be representatives. HRD needs to know there is no single measure of training success, such as productivity or job satisfaction. There are numerous qualitative and quantitative evaluation, approaches useful in determining training effectiveness.However, successful training depends on the benefits of various groups including: organizational leaders, supervisors, trainees, HRD managers and training facilitators. So, organizations need have one good HRD plan ( human resource development) plan in order to train every training teachers to provide effective training courses to let every trainee to learn in order to apply to work to raise efficiency or improve performance successfully. So, HRD is important to influence every training whether it is successful or failure training course.Thus, any large organization needs have one effective HRD strategy in order to provide enough number of excellent training teachers ( trainers) to assist its different departments to provide useful training courses to let every trainee to learn. Every trainer individual knowledge, skill, working experience will help his/her organization to train the new employment staff to learn their knowledge, skill effectively. So,, it seems that one effective HR department can assist its organization to develop HR ( trainers) to be excellent training teachers to teach their traineers ( new employment staffs) to absord their knowledge, skill to prepare to do their new position more to avoid none training cost waste successfully.⦁Can attractive and fair reward strategy encourage diverse backgound employees co-operate to work efficiently ?Nowadays, globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse background. So, large organizations will need to consider when they have need to develop overseas markets. Their offices will have different countries' staffs to cooperate to work together. For this reason, profit and non-profit organizations need to become more diversified to remain competition.